Tips On How To Prevent A Dog’s Unwanted Urination

Problems with inappropriate urination are some of the most commonly encountered by dog owners. As a matter of fact, inappropriate urination and defecation is the most frequently cited reason that owners surrender their animals to shelters.

Before you can address problems with inappropriate urination, it is important to understand the basis of the problem. There are several reasons why dogs lose control of their bladders, and it is important to know the root cause of the problem before it can be properly addressed.

Problem #1 – Excitement Urination

Dogs often urinate when they become overly excited, and dogs that are otherwise perfectly housebroken sometimes show their excitement by dribbling urine when greeting you excitedly. It is normal for some dogs to urinate when they get excited, and this can be a particular problem for many older dogs.

A lot of excitement induced urination occurs in young puppies, and it is caused by a lack of bladder control. The puppy may not even know he is urinating, and punishment will simply confuse him. Becoming angry with the puppy will quickly cause excitement urination to morph into submissive urination, thus compounding the problem. As the puppy gets older and develops better bladder control, this type of excitement urination should disappear.

The best cure for excitement urination is prevention. Preventing your dog from becoming over excited is the best way to control this problem behavior. If your dog is excited by a particular stimulus or situation, é importante para expo-lo varias veces para esta situación, ata que xa non causa excitación excesiva.

Problem #2 - Micção Submisso

micção submisa é unha parte natural do comportamento do bloque entre os animais como cans e lobos. O membro submiso do envase mostra a súa submisión ao baixar-se e ouriñar. Dende que os cans son animais de carga, poden mostrar a súa submisión ao seu propietario, que eles consideran como o líder do bloque, mostrando este micção submisa.

Os cans que presentan micção submisa son xeralmente mostrando súa inseguridade. cans zed e previamente abusada Unsocial miúdo presentan micção submisa. Estes cans precisan ser demostrado que hai formas máis adecuadas para expresar o seu estado submiso, como un aperto de man ou lamber a man do dono.

The best way to deal with submissive urination problems is often to ignore the urination. Trying to reassure the dog can give the mistaken impression that you approve of the behavior, while scolding the dog can make the submissive urination worse.

Correcting problems with submissive urination should be directed at building the dog’s confidence and teaching him other ways to show his respect. Teaching the dog to lift his paw, sit on command, or similar obedience commands, is a great way to direct the dog’s respect in a more appropriate direction.

Problems with urination are not always easy to deal with, but it is important to be consistent, and to always reward acceptable behavior on the part of the dog. When urination problems do occur, é sempre unha boa idea para primeiro eliminar calquera condicións médicas que poderían estar causando estes problemas. cuestións médicas, como infeccións da vexiga pode ser a causa de problemas coa micção non desexada.

Tras os problemas de saúde foron eliminada, é importante para determinar o que está causando o problema, e tratala adecuadamente. Aínda que poida ser tentador para castigar o can para a eliminación inadecuada, iso só vai confundir e intimida-lo.

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