Training The Dog To Come When It Is Called

Training a dog to come when it is called is a vital, and potentially life saving, part of any successful dog training program. All properly trained dogs must learn to respond instantly to the owner’s voice, and the sooner this lesson is learned the better.

The advantages of teaching a dog to come when called are obvious. For starters, coming when called will help you regain control of the dog in case of collar break, snapped leash or other similar equipment failure. This is particularly important when you are out with your dog, especially in an area with lots of traffic. It is vital that the dog respond to your voice and return to your side, even in the absence of collar and leash, and even if there are lots of other things competing for its attention.

Coming when called is also a vital skill for every working dog. Whether the dog’s job is herding sheep, guarding livestock, or sniffing out bombs and drugs at the airport, the working dog must be under total control at all times, whether on leash or off.

Even if your dog’s only job is being a loyal companion, it is still vital that he learn this important basic obedience exercise. After the first obedience lessons, such as heeling, stopping on command, sitting on command, etc. have been learned, it is time to start incorporating the come when called lessons into the daily training sessions.

One note about dog training – it is all too easy for training sessions to become dull and routine for both handler and dog. A bored dog will not be receptive to learning, just as a bored handler will not be a good teacher. It is important, therefore, to always incorporate fun things and play into every training session. Incorporating a few minutes of play time before the lesson begins can do wonders for the attitude of dog and human alike. Likewise, rematando cada sesión de adestramento con uns minutos de tempo de xogo libre é unha boa forma de rematar cunha nota positiva e axudar a obediencia do can asociado adestrando con diversión e non traballo penoso.

A orde para estar eo comando para vir cando chamado son moitas veces combinados clases de adestramento de obediencia, e eles van naturalmente xuntos. Comeza o can na correa solta, pedir o can para sentir e entón lentamente se afastar. Se o can comeza a levantarse e seguilo, volver ao can e pedir-lle para se sentir de novo. Continúe este proceso ata que pode chegar ao final da trela sen o can levantarse.

Despois pode conseguir chegar ao final do Leash nunha base consistente, tente deixar caer a trela completamente. Claro que vai querer facelo nun ambiente controlado como rodeado no curro. Despois de que o can ten dominado o comando estadía, é hora de engadir a vir cando chamado comando.

Tomé-se a correa de novo, e co can no extremo da correa, dicir "vir" ou "veña aquí". Moitas veces, é útil usar unha isca ao ensinar ese comportamento. A atracción ofrece un elemento visible para o can para concentrarse en. Ensinar o can a vir para a atracción é un bo primeiro paso para adestrar o can para vir cando chamado.

Repita este procedemento varias veces ata que o can vai sempre estar e, a continuación, chegar ao chamado. Despois de que o can dominou vir cando chamado, mentres conectado á trela, lentamente comezar a introducir o concepto cando a correa é eliminado. como anteriormente, these training sessions should only take place in a controlled, safe environment, such as a fenced in front or back yard.

A well trained, obedient dog should respond to the call to return to its owner no matter where it is and no matter what distractions may occur. It is therefore necessary to test the dog with distractions of your own.

If you have a neighbor, preferably one with a dog of his own, try having him come over with the dog. Have him, and the dog, stand just outside the fenced in area and repeat the come when called exercise with your dog off leash. If he becomes distracted by the other dog, put the leash back on and repeat the process. The goal is to have your dog consistently pay attention to your commands, no matter what distractions may present themselves.

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