L-eliminazzjoni Problema Dog Imgieba - Jaqbeż u Roaming

Every dog owner must eventually deal with some unwanted behaviors on the part of their four legged companions. Some of the most frequently encountered training problems with puppies and dogs alike are jumping on people and performing those amazing feats of escape.

Jumping up on people
Jumping up on people can be a cute trick for puppies, but it quickly becomes a problem behavior as… Continue reading

Taħriġ Dog Your To Mhux Iġbed Fuq Il-Leash

Ġbid fuq il-leash huwa wieħed mill-misbehaviors aktar komuni li dehru fuq kull tip ta 'klieb. Ġriewi u klieb adulti kif ukoll jistgħu spiss ikunu jidhru teħid sidien tagħhom għal mixjiet, minflok il-mod ieħor madwar. Ġbid fuq il-leash jistgħu jkunu ħafna aktar minn drawwa annoying. Leash ġbid jista 'jwassal li jaħarbu fil-każ ta' waqfa fil-kullar jew fuq leash… Continue reading

Tips Fuq Kif To Prevent Awrina mhux mixtieqa A Dog

Problems with inappropriate urination are some of the most commonly encountered by dog owners. As a matter of fact, inappropriate urination and defecation is the most frequently cited reason that owners surrender their animals to shelters.

Before you can address problems with inappropriate urination, it is important to understand the basis of the problem. There are several reasons why dogs lose control of… Continue reading