Taħriġ Dog – Kif Biex Deal Bil Ansjetà Separazzjoni

Ansjetà separazzjoni, magħrufa wkoll fid-dinja tat-taħriġ tal-klieb bħala sid misbehavior assenti, hija waħda mill-aktar problemi jokkorru frekwentament fid-dinja ta 'taħriġ tal-klieb. Ansjetà separazzjoni tista 'timmanifesta ruħha f'ħafna modi differenti, inkluż chewing, jeqirdu proprjetà tas-sid, Barking eċċessiv, imġiba qerrieda awto u awrina mhux xierqa u defecation.

Klieb li jbatu minn ansjetà separazzjoni ta 'spiss whine, qoxra, cry, howl, inti… Continue reading

Parir Fuq Taħriġ Il-Puppy New

Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting time for the entire family. Getting that new puppy off the right start with proper training is very important to making that puppy a valued member of his human family. There are a number of talents that every new puppy must master, including going up and down the stairs, u kif jaċċettaw ġdida… Continue reading

Taħriġ Il-Puppy Shy Jew Beżgħana Jew Dog

With dogs as with people, some dogs and puppies are naturally more bold and daring than others. When you watch a group of puppies play, it will quickly become apparent which ones are bold and which ones are shy. Some of the puppies will hang back at the edge of the pack, perhaps fearful of angering the stronger dogs, filwaqt li oħrajn se jaqbżu d-dritt fil-… Continue reading