Utii Mafunzo na mbwa wako

Mafunzo ya utii ni moja ya mambo muhimu na ufanisi zaidi mmiliki yeyote anaweza kufanya kwa ajili ya mbwa wake. vizuri utii mafunzo mbwa ni furaha, mwanachama uzalishaji na salama ya familia, wakati untrained mbwa anaweza kuwa uharibifu na hata hatari.

Mbwa ni iliyoundwa na asili kufuata viongozi, na kuangalia kwa uongozi. Kama wanyama pakiti, dogs naturally follow the directions of their pack leader. In the absence of a strong leader, the dog may assume this role itself. Dogs that think of themselves as the leader of their human pack can become uncooperative, destructive and even dangerous.

Proper obedience training opens up important lines of communication between handler and dog. The basis of any obedience training program is to gain the cooperation and respect of the animal. This respect cannot be exerted through rough handling methods or mistreatment. It must instead be earned through leadership and proper training techniques.

Basic obedience training consists of teaching the dog what to do and what not to do. When it comes to desired behaviors, it is important for the dog to learn and respond to basic commands, such as heeling when walking, stopping on command, sitting when directed, coming when called and staying where the handler directs.

The list of what not to do is also important when it comes to obedience training. Some of the don’ts of obedience training include – not jumping up on people, not forging ahead when walking and, not chewing the furniture or your property, and not getting out of control when exposed to novel situations.

In essence, obedience training involves establishing the social hierarchy that is so important to dogs as pack animals. When your dog follows your obedience commands, such as – come, stay, sit, heel, etc., he or she is showing compliance and submissiveness. Hii ni aina moja ya tabia mwanachama mtiifu wa porini pakiti mbwa wataonyesha kwa alpha mbwa katika pakiti kwamba.

Kama ilivyo kwa aina yoyote ya mafunzo mbwa, ni muhimu kwamba vikao vya utii mafunzo kuwa na furaha na zawadi kwa ajili ya wote mbwa na handler. furaha, afya mbwa itakuwa bora na uwezo wa kujifunza, na kushika mbwa furaha wakati wa vikao vya mafunzo kufanya maisha rahisi kwa wote mwenyewe na mbwa wako. Utii mafunzo ina faida nyingi kwa mbwa kama vile handler. Kwa jambo moja, pamoja na mafunzo, mtiifu mbwa inaweza ruhusa kiasi kikubwa cha uhuru kuliko mbwa untrained. For instance, mbwa ambayo imekuwa vizuri mafunzo kuja alipoitwa unaweza salama kufurahia baadhi mbali leash kucheza wakati katika Hifadhi za mitaa.

There is always a debate over whether it is easier to obedience train puppies or older dogs. The fact is that both puppies and older dogs can be successfully trained to be willing, obedient companions. It is generally easier to train puppies and young dogs than it is to retrain dogs that have developed behavior problems. Even problem dogs, however, can be successfully retrained using basic obedience training and control concepts.

When obedience training puppies, however, it is important to remember that puppies generally have a shorter attention span than to do full grown dogs. It is important, therefore to keep training sessions short in the beginning. It is also important to incorporate lots of play with other puppies, dogs and other animals, as well as lots of different people. Sahihi socialization ni muhimu sana kwa kujenga salama, afya na furaha mbwa.

Kuna wengi utii mafunzo madarasa uliofanyika katika maeneo yote ya nchi, na mpya puppy na mbwa wamiliki ni moyo kujiandikisha katika moja ya madarasa haya. Si tu kufanya puppy chekechea na mbwa utii madarasa kutoa muundo muhimu kwa ajili ya mbwa, lakini hutoa nafasi muhimu kwa vizuri socialization puppy pamoja.

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